Aquaproof wet room tanking system has been specifically designed to prevent leakages from tiled wet room areas. The Aquaproof Wetroom Tanking System carries the CE mark and is independently tested to EAD 030352-00-0503 (ETAG 22). This means that the Aquaproof System has been rigorously tested and also meets the requirements of NHBC Guidance 9.2, so you can be confident it will provide you with a leak free, guaranteed and long lasting wet room. Aquaproof has a 10 year manufacturers guarantee.
By specifying Aquaproof Wet room Tanking with the CE mark, you can ensure your tanking is fit for purpose, is acceptable to NHBC and and has been tested to the highest standards.
Aquaproof Waterproofing Tanking System is suitable for application onto wooden sheeting, MDF, plasterboard and most commonly used construction boards including Wedi. The product is designed to be flexible, resisting normal thermal movement in the room, and does not become brittle with age.
The Aquaproof Tanking System is suitable for use in a wide number of situations. It is frequently specified for use under traditional shower trays, in bathrooms, kitchens, and toilets: basically anywhere where there is a danger of leakage from wet areas.
Many hotels and apartment blocks have used the system to protect the building from leakages onto lower floors.
Aquaproof can be purchased as kits or separate products.
We have provided you with a Wetroom Waterproofing Material Calculations Guide to help you make sure you are purchasing the correct amount of materials for the size of wet room you are installing.
Take a look at our installation sequence to see just how easy Aquaproof is to apply.
If you’d like to talk through your project give us a call on 01387 270252, or use our contact form.
Wet Room Waterproofing / Tanking Kit for a wet room. The kit contains CE approved Aquaproof products and contains all...
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Wetroom Tanking Kit for a linear drain wet room. The kit contains CE approved Aquaproof products and contains all the...
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Aquaproof wetroom waterproofing outlet sleeves are supplied pre-made with an elasticated hole to seal around water inlet pipes. 120mm x...
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Aquaproof outlet sleeves are supplied in sheets with fabric border (you cut your hole) for sealing into floor drainage outlet....
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This special multi-surface Aquaproof Primer carries the CE mark and has been rigorously tested to guarantee its suitability for priming...
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Heavy duty liquid rubber waterproofing compound for waterproofing of wet room areas prior to the application of ceramic tiles or...
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Pre-formed internal 90-degree corner without seams for use as part of the Aquaproof wet room tanking system....
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Pre-formed external 90-degree corner without seams for use as part of the Aquaproof wet room tanking system....
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Elastic and strong jointing tape for reinforcing all corners/joints and nail/screw heads after application of Aquaproof Primer and Compound....
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